Medici Bank Trust Icon

Don't Sell, HODL!

Get the FIAT you need while keeping the crypto you love.

Great Rates
Simple Terms.
Use your digital collateral and get the stability of fiat.

100% Transparency
Fully On-chain collateral
Borrow and Pay back fiat*
Borrow LTVs from
Interest Rates from
1-year or 2-year terms
Principal only monthly payments (principal due at term)
Option to leverage collateral to reduce borrowing cost
* To/from same wallet

You Have Choices
We offer three types of loan options

Proof of Concept Loan
Subsidizing Collateral Loan
Collateral subsidizes the loan rate
We stake/invest for bank yield, enabling lower loan rates based on LTV
Proof of Concept Loan
Proof of Collateral Loan
Loans with 100% on-chain proof of collateral held in fiduciary trust
We don't rehypothecate the collateral in any manner.
Proof of Concept Loan
Self-Pay Loan

We invest the collateral to earn yield that is passed through to pay off the loan

See What I Can Borrow
Choose an option and enter in the proprosed amount. Try it out now!


Save time by having ready:

  • Your personal identification, such as a passport or driver’s license
  • Your taxpayer number
  • The wallet address from which you will send the digital asset collateral
  • Your mobile phone, for taking a selfie and a photo of your ID

Prohibited Business Industries & Countries

Medici Bank can provide accounts to people and businesses from over 150 countries around the world--but not some countries. Apply only if you are not a citizen of nor resident of a listed country.

Digital Assets

Medici Bank does not at this time hold any digital assets on account; further, we do not accept deposits nor make payments in any digital asset. Any payments sent in other than fiat will be refused. Any payments sent in USDC will be automatically converted to fiat before crediting to the account. Any network fees will be passed through and additional processing fees may apply. Any withdrawals in USDC or USDT will only be paid back to the original funding wallet address. We will not process digital asset (eg cryptocurrency) payments to third parties.


Banking at the Speed of Digital

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